The aim of ICEES2025 is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in Coastal Engineering and Energy. It provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. Papers Submission
The Journal is a scientific journal for the dissemination of both theoretical and applied research on integrated and sustainable management of the terrestrial, coastal and marine environmental interface.
A thorough understanding of both the physical and the human sciences is important to the study of the spatial patterns and processes observed in terrestrial, coastal and marine systems set in the context of past, present and future social and economic developments. This includes multidisciplinary and integrated knowledge and understanding of: physical geography, coastal geomorphology, sediment dynamics, hydrodynamics, soil science, hydrology, plant and animal ecology, vegetation science, biogeography, landscape ecology, recreation and tourism studies, urban and human ecology, coastal engineering and spatial planning, coastal zone management, and marine resource management.
Environmental applications that make use of spatial information technology (IT) to collect, analyse, interpret, visualise, and communicate the results of scientific research are also encouraged. This includes the use of remote sensing, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), environmental databases, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and mobile technologies, cartography and digital mapping, geovisualisation, modelling and simulation, and the Internet.
Applications that focus on the use of physical coastal modelling involving the detailing of the design, construction, instrumentation and results of model tests are also encouraged, including the theory, measurement, analysis and modelling of: Waves - generation, theories, prediction; Structures - types, interactions and structural responses; Measurement Techniques - pressures, velocities, and forces; Erosion/Scour – assessment and control; Scale Effects – control and techniques; and Natural Hazards Assessment.
Research that promotes the role of education and training to integrated and sustainable management of the terrestrial, coastal and marine conservation and management is also considered important to the coastal practitioner and manager.
International contributions to the journal are encouraged.
Thematic volumes and output from conference proceedings are also welcome.
The Journal is a peer-reviewed medium for the publication of research achievements and engineering practices in the fields of coastal, harbor and offshore engineering. The journal editors welcome original papers and comprehensive reviews on waves and currents, sediment motion and morphodynamics, as well as on structures and facilities. Reports on conceptual developments and predictive methods of environmental processes are also published. Topics also include hard and soft technologies related to coastal zone development, shore protection, and prevention or mitigation of coastal disasters. The journal is intended to cover not only fundamental studies on analytical models, numerical computation and laboratory experiments, but also results of field measurements and case studies of real projects.
The journal is a strong forum for civil engineering disciplines related to ocean, coastal and riverine waters as well as the interaction of these waters and the adjacent built and natural environments. This broad scope makes the Journal an ideal choice for the publication and dissemination of archival contributions dealing with important related topics. Topics include dredging, floods, sediment transport, tides, wind waves and storm surge, tsunamis, climate change, rising sea level, extreme weather events and other hazards that affect shorelines, waterways, estuaries, and ports and harbors, as well as efforts to mitigate the impact of such hazards. Of equal interest is the development and operation of offshore facilities and ocean resource utilization, such as renewable energy and ocean mining
The journal provides a forum exchange of information, innovative and critical ideas on a wide range of issues in energy. The issues are addressed in four major areas as follows: Energy economics and policy including energy demand and supply study, resources document, transportation and conversion pricing, modeling, security and organizational structure, Energy technology including energy exploration, conversion, transportation technologies, utilization technologies such as rational use of energy in industry, energy efficient building system, system simulation, and cogeneration, Energy regulation, promotion, and environmental concerns including analysis of energy systems structure, restructuring, regulation and promotion for energy conservation, clean development mechanism, and energy enhancement of social development, Electric power system including electricity demand forecasting and planning, electric supply structure and economics, power system dynamics and stability, power system operation and control, and power distribution.